11 March 2008

A Little Bit Crazy

Better if she thinks I'm a little bit crazy
and loves me anyway.

how can I start singing and dancing
with no explanation?
I don't give an explanation to my self.

how can I follow my soul's direction,
in to infinite vistas or holocaust ovens?
These things come to me, I can't ignore them.

Better if she thinks I'm a little bit crazy
and loves me anyway.

how can I ever really laugh, or cry?
how can I find myself jacked up on raw electric energy
or devastated and born anew by the way a hawk circles in the air?

Better, I say, if she thinks I'm a little bit crazy
and I think she's a little bit crazy too.

That way we can both dance our way
into God.

Image by Wili_Hybrid

04 March 2008

The Pattern for Peace

Mel Alexenberg has a great idea for how to come to peace in the Middle East.

Spring returns to Israel

Spring Returns!

A few weeks back I wrote this:

The hawks are back!
I just saw two of them flying up the wadi
jumped out of my seat and leaned over my desk
looking out my window as they sailed past
brown, motionless wings
drawn on by unseen winds
drawing my heart after them

Today I went for a walk on the wild side of Jerusalem's Sachar Park - the wild rakafot (cyclamens), kolaniot (poppies), and skediot (almonds) are blooming up a storm - all pink, red, and white. Beautiful!