26 September 2005

So much motion.

Someone here has a book of poems from Hafiz, the holy Sufi poet. Where are all the Hebrew poets who were drunk on love with God?

Waking up at 5:30am to say Slichot, the pre-Rosh Hashannah what-a-mess-am-I prayers. All I want to do is know, know, that I'm standing in front of God and the rest will all pour forth, but I'm stuck saying a bunch of words at 5:30 in the morning. Tough Stuff.

Maybe I should be a Hebrew poet drunk on Love for God.

Just to be in the
presence of the beloved -
to feel his gaze,
and I am overcome.
But he hides himself,
and I am left,

I think I'll have to have a little bit more experience of Love in this world before I can really fill the position.

King Solomon was drunk on love for God.

Maybe my mistake is that I'm searching - that I still haven't really figured out that he's right here.


MC Aryeh said...

"Maybe I should be a Hebrew poet drunk on Love for God."

Well this is usually how I refer to you when not calling you a master maggid....selichot are hard. I always say I will study them in advance, but never do...I will, bli neder, send you some other drunk hebrew poets (on love for God, that is)...

Anonymous said...

"To feel his gaze,
and I am overcome.
But he hides himself"

Could it be that being 'overcome' by awe or fear is also a form of hiding oneself. Which might lead the poet to ponder, whether it was truly G-d that hid himself first? Or did He only reflect what he had received in the first place.